Sunday, March 29, 2009

day 7 p3 145.6

up a bit but very happy. We went out to dinner last night and I didn't do to start with. I ordered steak, steamed veggies, and salad. The salad had a Marion berry vinaigrette, very good, but sweet (sugar) I then couldn't resist one of my husbands loaded potato skins, so I had half. I did have a couple of drinks, Gin and soda. So after a few of those I started eating onion rings. I did pick most of the crunchy part off. We then went to a Mexican restaurant to sing karaoke, it was fun. I had a few, my husband and I don't agree on how many, mojito's with our sugar. I just add my own splenda to it. So after a bit off this I scarfed down a whole basket of chips. I shared them with my girl friend whom is also watching what she eats. We both watched the entire basket disappear into our guts. And then today we took our kids to the movies......Of course I had some popcorn and licorice. So I guess we will see how happy I am tomorrow morning. Like I said before. I really believe more in the 90-10 rule than anything. So if by working out on a regular basis, eating well 90% and then consuming 10% of the junk I want....I will be fine.

I do have to say though that after my popcorn I don't feel so good. I really don't like the "junk" like I used to.

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