Sunday, March 15, 2009

day 14 vlcd 148.8

Okay so I know I said that I was going to not weigh myself today.....well I lied. let me tell you why.

So yesterday I was feeling horrible. I was STARVING and weak. I have not felt that way the entire diet. I only get hungry when it's before I am supposed to eat. Well not yesterday.

So I was struggling through yesterday when my sweet husband asked to me go out to dinner with him. I hesitated, actually I said no. And then I re-thought that. My husband doesn't ask me to dinner very often. It is usually my idea. So I decided that one dinner date with my husband was worth a few days blown on my diet. So we went to Thai food. I made the choice of lemongrass chicken with cabbage. It was in a soy type broth. It was wonderful. I ate half a fresh spring roll and 3 crab langoon (deep fried wonton with crab and cream cheese :)) I drank Alot of water and ate about 1/4 of my dinner. I ate slow and paid attention to being full. We then went to the mall and they have this new self serve frozen yogurt place. UGH. I had a little bit of low fat strawberry and chocolate with fresh strawberries and 3 gummie bears, why not I had already gone to the deep end. So about an hour later my stomach hurt. I have had no fat, sugar, or milk in two weeks and lets say I did not need "smooth move" last night. So I went to bed. I didn't feel bad. I didn't feel like "oh I have cheated" I made the choice. It was not a break in will power or an impulse. I was okay with whatever the scale my say. So with all of this I could not stay off the scale. I had to see what damage I had done........-.8. Can you believe it. I stepped of and on the scale 7 different times to make sure. I also had one of my kids get on it to make sure it was working.

What this has made me see is that I can eat and make good choices......and I got lucky, actually blessed. I asked God to not let me totally blow what I have done. :) and It was worth spending the time with my husband. We have had a rough year and time together is very precious.

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