Thursday, April 2, 2009

day 11 p3 145.2 -1.6 LIW

sorry for not writing for a few days.

okay this seems to be about where I stay. I roam around with in 145 most days. I have not really been eating p3. I have been eating good though. back to my 90/10. Yesterday I actually had a piece of cheese pizza. It was good. Then I did Zumba (love it). What I have learned to listen to is if I am hungry or not. And if I eat pizza then to have a sensible dinner. I am working out 6 days a week and I am super excited. I think the other thing I have learned is how much fruits and vegetables I really should be eating. so I have tried to really incorporate eating them at all of my meals or as my snacks.

So to some up the last week: I went our to dinner and had drinks. I went to the movie and had butter popcorn and licorice. I went to taco tuesday and had three taco's (2 would have been fine) then I had a piece of cheese pizza and I am still doing great. :) and I am back to working out like a crazy person

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